Find the best price for your Laptop Battery Replacement! Want to know how much a Battery Replacement will cost? Great, click get quotes below and book today!
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A great question and the answer to this can vary depending on the manufacturer of your Laptop and the area you are in. Not to worry, you can receive the best prices for Laptop Battery Replacement in one place by getting quotes from repair shops near you!
Most smartphones, tablets, and laptops use something called a Lithium-ion battery to power them. We won’t bore you with the chemistry, but they’re suited to many portable devices as they’re very light and environmentally friendlier than traditional batteries.
But why do batteries need replacing when we can recharge them again and again? Batteries have a lifespan because the number of lithium ions in the cathode and anode decrease with every charge, and, eventually, the battery is unable to store anymore power. This is when your battery starts to drain very quickly, even after you’ve just charged it.
It’s difficult to estimate the lifespan of a battery as it is heavily influenced by external factors such as usage, charging habits, and the environment. For example, Apple don’t provide lifespan projections for their iPhones but do provide the maximum cycle count for their MacBooks (one charge cycle is when all of the battery’s power is used once).
It is possible to change many batteries yourself, but there is a danger that the battery itself isn’t problem as there could be issues with other components such as the charging port. That’s why it’s best to book your phone, tablet, or laptop in for a repair, and have it checked by a specialist repairer who’d be able to diagnose any other issues.
Get a professional Battery Replacement booked in today!